Fractal Entrepreneurship

0003 What is Unemployability and How it is Different from Unemployment?

Radha Desikan Eswar Season 2 Episode 3

What is unemployability? How is it different from unemployment?

Countup to the day, till when I can do such podcasts: 0003

My husband and I homeschooled our children. They were attending a mainstream school but there were certain thoughts that were unresolved in our minds:
1. Up till the age of 5, each of our children was most special to us, the darling of the family, capable of doing so many different antics, albeit different from each other. Why was it then, that the moment they went to school they got "graded"

2. Come summer holidays, they were all full of life, joy and happiness. They learnt quite a lot and felt absolutely free in their minds. The moment the schools reopened, why did they fall into the trap of performance and getting reprimands which deflated the joy quotient in them?
3. To excel oneself is a joyous challenge; to excel another is limiting, and causes tension and disharmony. Why then did schools and industries promote competition? Perhaps the only area where it can be used is if its a life threatening space where you simply have to give a shock treatment to a person to jerk them out of some depressive stupor, albeit kindly.
4. Each person is born with different abilities and skill sets. Education is mostly understood to be a stepping stone for reaching an employability status. Why train someone in areas where they might have zero aptitudes and then fail them?
5. Isn't the alarming rate of suicide amongst youth due to failures in examinations and unemployment, a serious issue to be looked into?
6. Rejection at job interviews is humongous! Should it be as high? What do rejected youth do? If there are no more job openings, isn't crime the only recourse if not suicide or beggary?
7. Why isn't Entrepreneurship the most sought after recourse for youth in a country were there aren't enough jobs?
8. Why is there such a huge level of dissatisfaction at workplace for many?

My children are confident social entrepreneurs today. They are fractal entrepreneurs. Each of my other entrepreneurs is also a person who could not either fit in a soul satisfying  job.

Unemployment in my mind is a nation's problem of not having enough job opportunities.  But India has a unique problem! Yes, there are not enough job opportunities but there are several employers who find their employees unskilled for their posts in spite of having the requisite qualifications and several jobs have a long wait to get filled as suitable candidates dont exist. Above all, the aspiration of every parent is to send their kids, "abroad" for studies showing a clear lack of respect for the education system here!

Fractal Entrepreneurship offers a finishing course, long term mentoring process and exposure to peers and experts. This is envisioned to be done through a push system through the business platform that makes it exceedingly effective in sorting out not only the unemployment problem, but also the unemployability issue in a smooth and clean manner. The keystone to the whole process is the set of  blueprints of practices that evolves with each innovative venture tested and perfected in real time! Sometimes I get goosebumps just thinking of the potential of this model in removing so many social and environmental ills!

Fractal Entrepreneurship truly makes the less abled become experts in just a few months! 

Should not governments be looking into this system and promoting it? I did go up to the government...In my lifetime I have faced doors shut on my face so many times that it is laughable! Perhaps folks in the government too are unemployable! 

Do write to me the at  A couple of you have already reached out. My sincere thanks. I shall start responding to each person next week sometime as I get whisked away to meet oncologists and doctors during the day! This should stop soon and I can then truly focus on replying to you all.

Be blessed.