Fractal Entrepreneurship

0001 - Fractal Entrepreneurship - An Unclassed Framework

Radha Desikan Eswar Season 2 Episode 1

Countup to the day, till when I can do such podcasts: 0001

To understand myself took a long time. To understand how my mind constantly compared, evaluated, took decisions based on systems, that I had seen around me, took time. To understand my racing mind and to bring it under my soul's protection, took quite some time.

But it was important to understand.  It was important not to let, "class thinking," creep into my actions as every such thought meant a ripple action that left untold miseries of non inclusive practices in society.

I learnt that human tendencies dictate that we balance every nano decision in our minds and move towards more security and comfort for oneself. Self preservation often dampened the need to have a more equitable society. May I self preserve without eating into the opportunties and resources of another living being? May I seek independence without putting shackles on another living being? 

To be stripped of one's comfort and secure parameters even for a few hours might expose us to the gap we unconsciously promote in society.

The higher class in society always seeks privacy, insularity and independence; while folks in the lower class grudingly get better at an ill-conceived, temporarily team work in order to survive. How might I enable both independence and controlled dependence without hurting another life form?

My life so far has been a battle to set processes in making it easy for us, the flawed species, to unlearn the need to preserve oneself at the risk of damaging the chances for others to live equitably.

I learnt of who I am. Of the continuum of the spirit within me, of the continuum of my body which is just a group of atoms that may soon ungroup and regroup, as other groups of atoms, that finally can be just basic elements, that can finally just be energy particles akin to my soul ... like everybody else's. How is it more important to preserve myself while endangering another? Isn't a system where all are protected equitably a better system?

Fractal Entrepreneurship is one such.

Fractal Entrepreneurship removes the tendency to promote class-based thinking and actions. It allows for equitable growth of each individual, while promoting a pleasurable teamwork which does not hang heavy on the soul.

What are your thoughts about how you can help in the evolution of a more equitable society?

Do share. Write to me at Be blessed.